With its compact and wireless design, Explorer 1000 is one of the best investments for your outdoor party. It could run most of your essential outdoor gear. It can also be your reliable backup power supply for fridges, CPAP/BiPAP, computers etc.
Delivering enormous charging capacity at 2160Wh, this groundbreaking Explorer powers all your imaginable appliances including hot plates, full sized refrigerators, air conditioners and more. It's all ideal - taking your adventuring to the next level.
An Excellent Entry-Level Power Solution for Outdoors that can power your Phone, laptop, and lights while camping or wfh. The lightweight Jackery Explorer 240 has a solid handle for easy carrying. Its simple push-button operation makes it easy to use.
The Jackery Explorer 500 offers power-to-go in a compact, lightweight design featuring multiple connections to charge your mainstream gear and more. So feel free to go explore the great outdoors and run your gear like a blender, projector, and tools.
Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panel, convert solar to renewable power with this monocrystalline solar panel! With a high solar conversion efficiency of 23.7%, it's ideally suited for outdoor activities and even unexpected power outages.
The upgraded solar panel generates electricity from both sides. The solar cell on the back side absorbs reflective and diffused sunlight, boosting 25% of conversion rate. IP68 waterproof and dustproof certified against harsh weather conditions.